Tata Steel BSL gears up to combat COVID 19

Dhenkanal(News Time Pro):

Tata Steel BSL follows a robust management system framework and a sound safety governance structure that drives its health and safety measures. We are constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation across our locations and are also ensuring regular communication with our workforce.

A Review Committee has been formed comprising of senior officials from all the locations and functions who meet daily and take actions as the situation warrants. Massive communication is being done through mass mails, hoardings, banners, stickers, standees, leaflets in Odia, Hindi and English as per the suggestions of World Health Organisation and Central and State governments. Besides thousands of leaflets in regional languages have been distributed among the workers, truck drivers coming to the plant and loudspeakers have also been deployed in workers’ colonies and in the plant premises to create awareness.
As part of the guidelines from our group, we will pay full salaries to the temporary workers and daily wage earners even if the workers are unable to work due to either quarantine measures, site closures, plant shutdowns or other reasons due the outbreak of Covid-19.

Beside other measures like, prohibition of biometric punching for attendance, deployment of Infrared thermometer gun to screen incoming employees at the main gate, hand sanitizers and encouragement of its use at all the canteens, guest houses, office premises, entry gates, etc have been undertaken. Employees working in non-essential services have been asked to work from home or come in rotation basis.
Self-quarantine has been advised for two weeks for employees who return from traveling abroad and also to intimate the state government in its portal. Employees who have visited to the states in India where positive cases have been reported are intimating the management and being quarantined for 14 days.

A dedicated helpline number for the employees has been made available. School and Creches in the residential colony have been closed and female employees with children and expectant mothers have been asked to work from home. All functions, mass meetings, get-togethers have been prohibited. Frequent cleaning of canteen, Occupational Health Centre, office premises and mopping of floors is strictly enforced.

To avoid public transport for our employees residing in Dhenkanal, an exclusive bus has been arranged. Visitor gate pass has been restricted, permission being given by senior officers for only highly essential visitors. Isolation centre for suspected cases has been earmarked.
Employees are being encouraged to pool cars and not use the public transport. If this is not possible then they can work from home. Restrictions have been imposed in colony for relatives and children coming from out of Odisha and have been asked for home quarantine.

👉👉👉Full salaries to be paid to temporary workers, daily wage earners if they fail to join work for COVID 19 related issues.
👉👉👉 Massive awareness drive in regional languages inside the plant, colony, for workers and truck drivers.
👉👉👉 Strict instructions for employees to follow guidelines of the government and the company.

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