World Environment Day observed at NTPC Kaniha


The World Environment Day was observed at NTPC Talcher Super Thermal Power Station, Kaniha on 05.06.2021 adhering to the Covid protocols. Environmental Pledges in Hindi and English were administered by Shri Sudip Nag CGM(T-K & SSC-ER-II) & Shri Shivam Srivastava GM (O&M), respectively. Sh. Sudip Nag conveyed the message of Director (Operation) on this occasion. In his address, he emphasized to adopt all possible steps to conserve the natural resources for the future generation and urged to take all possible actions to keep the mother earth clean, beautiful & pollution free.  

Further, he urged upon to solve the environmental issues by implementing some positive environmental actions. Talking on the World Environment Day theme, ‘Ecosystem restoration’,  he said that ecosystem restoration means assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed. He said “to augment the ecosystem restoration further, it is time to Reimagine, Recreate, Restore which means preventing, halting and reversing this damage or to go from exploiting nature to healing it”. He also stressed upon extending our efforts to achieve the goal of power generation with a minimum carbon footprint conserving the flora & fauna around the station.

Mass Tree Plantation was done near Track Hopper number 3 where 100 trees were planted led by Shri Nag. The station has already planted 14.61 lakh trees till 2020-21 and has planned to undertake 50,000 plantations during the FY 2021-21. The programme was also graced by the presence of Sh. Shivam Srivastava GM(O&M), Sh. Suchibrata Mitra GM(SSC-C&M) , Sh. H.N. Chakraborty GM ( Maint), Sh. Rajeev Khanna GM ( SSC-MMG), Sh. R. N Das  GM (Projects), Sh. N. K. Chatrath, GM(SSC-Finance), Sh.  Shanmugam Murugan, GM(TS),  Sh Sarit Maheshwari, GM (ADM & AU), Sh. Rajnish Rastogi, GM( HR), other officials of TSTPS and representative of Unions & Association and made it a grand success.

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