CMHQ organises Preventive Vigilance Workshop to make employees vigilant


Coal Mining Head Quarter, Ranchi organised a session on Preventive Vigilance Workshop.Shri Rajnish Rastogi, GM(Vigilance), CC and Shri Ritesh Kumar ,AGM(Vigilance) were the esteemed speakers. The workshop was inaugurated by Shri Sariputta Mishra, Head of Mining,CMHQ through online mode following COVID guidelines.

During the workshop, speakers deliberated the importance of CDA rules, employees should be informed and stay alert on misconducts and violations in day to day official work . It was shared the decisions taken should be impersonal and involve no favouritism in taking action against any violations.

Speaking on the occasion, Head of Mining ,Shri Mishra said it is found that, employees in daily office work sometimes due to urgency & meeting side-lines compliance which ultimately leads to consequences later.He added NTPC as an organisation has high reputation and known for its exemplary work culture. He was hopeful that executives will get sensitised after the workshop. He voted for conducting more such workshops in future.

GM(HR) ,CMHQ Mrs Malancha Mathew on the occasion spoke on awareness on office rules, policies and DOP before executing official work. More than 100 executives participated and benefited from the session

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