Tata Steel BSL observed World Environment Day 2020 in Dhenkanal


Tata Steel BSL celebrated World Environment Day 2020 at its plant in Narendrapur in Dhenkanal district of Odisha and in its periphery villages by organizing a series of events. In the morning a plantation drive was inaugurated by Dr Anup Kumar Mallick, Regional Officer, State Pollution Control Board, Angul. Senior executives of the company including Mr G Venkatanarayan, Chief, Iron Making, Mr Manikanta Naik, Chief, Corporate Services, Mr Saroj Banerjee, Chief, Environment among others were present on the occasion.

More than 1300 saplings of local variety were planted in the plant premises and in neighbouring villages. The horticulture department of the company has taken an ambitious target of planting around one lakh saplings through the scientific Miyawaki Method of Plantation in the current financial year.

This year’s theme for World Environment Day was Biodiversity “Time for Nature”. Week long activities viz- online sessions on biodiversity, quiz and painting competitions among the employees and their children were organized. Considering the current situation of COVID-19, maximum focus was given on organizing online competitions.

Around 1900 students from 6 Gram Panchayats like Kusupanga ,Mangalpur, Sibapur,Nuagaon, Paik Purunakote and Nuahata Gram Panchayats had participated in debate, drawing, essay competitions on biodiversity through digital platforms. They were also provided with colour, cardboards, colour pencil and crayons to make paintings. There were plantation drives in the neighbouring 6 schools.
Besides under Green School Project, which Tata Steel BSL is implementing in partnership with Delhi based The Energy and Research Institute -TERI, many activities were organised on awareness on environment through digital platforms among the students and teachers. The participants shared snippets, knowledge series, audios and video clips on biodiversity, waste management, eliminating use of plastic and other environmental issues.
All the activities were carried out safely while maintaining social distancing. Tata Steel BSL has been constantly pursuing to minimise environmental impacts through focused initiatives on emission performance, water and solid waste management, climate change initiatives and implementation of circular economy and biodiversity management for a sustainable future.
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