Smart moves with Smart ACs Rudimentary decision leads you free from lavish


In ancient days, Air Conditioner was recognized as a luxury item but now a day it has become an inevitable part of the everyday life of a majority of people throughout the worldwide. The use of air conditioning is poised to get increase dramatically over the next several few decades as global temperatures go up and income rises around the global world. Due to the rise in our incomes can really hike our desires to fulfill it to several extents. Shearing heat sizzles many parts of India in summer season. As India is developing as its full strength, many upper class and middle class Indian communities prefer to use energy efficient Air Conditioners at every aspect of their life. So use of ACs in India has become rampant in this digital paradox. Keeping a vigil upon the customer’s interest, many companies are providing smart ACs for better and reliable use. Innovations have reached its heights when they brought life into the lives of these people. But, not all the time does it cool the situation down especially when it is time to pay the electricity bill. Here is where we need to envisage on ways to accomplish better results without having to expend much from our pockets. Air conditioners today are more energy efficient and cost effective than before. Brands are now launching highly energy efficient five star bee rating ACs with exceptional design and features. The huge variety is sure to perplex the consumers.

Every user should aware about the effective use and classification of ACs. In this chapter one can find the details use of AC and power consumption by it. Before proceeding further, one should have to well understand about the different categories of ACs available in the market. These are Window air conditioner, Split air conditioner, Inverter air conditioner, Ductless mini split A/C units, Wi-Fi qualified/ smart air conditioner, portable air conditioner and solar air conditioner etc.

The power cost for operating an AC depends upon its power performance as designed by the company, amount of working hours and how efficiently we run and maintain it. Primary elements of the operation inside an AC include a compressor, evaporator, condenser, and an extension device, related to the one of a family refrigerator. A refrigerant flows in those parts. It vaporizes in the evaporator grasping the temperature from the warm space air drawn over the evaporator roll. This chills and dehumidifies the air in a room. The compressor increases the load and heat of the refrigerant gases. The condenser consolidates the refrigerant and then converts the high-pressure vapour into the huge-pressure fluid. Heat is refused via external air carried across the condenser. The extension mechanism converts the high-pressure and high-temperature fluid refrigerant to low strength low heat blend of refrigerant fluid and vapour. The refrigerant passes to the evaporator, and the cooling series remains active.

In this global presence, it’s near to impossible for us to spend summers without air conditioner. We have made our body, habitual for these cooling products. Air conditioners are the most efficient way to cool ourselves down and they are now cost-effective also. But we can’t control the amount of energy they are eating and costing our money. Inventions of energy efficient air conditioners are proved to be a blessing in disguise. So, your energy bill doesn’t catch hike. People spend around half of their income in paying energy bills. This being the case, you might be looking for a way to cut down on the amount of energy you use to cool your home. It’s better for the environment, and it will certainly be better for your bank account. Everyone can find benefits like superior performance, longer lifespan, lower energy bills, environment friendly refrigerant, complete climate control, cooling is quite and sleek by the installation of energy efficient air conditioners.

Before jumping to the solutions, it is very important to get a thorough knowledge about the problem. You must have a basic idea about the everyday power consumption of your AC with a simple calculation. You should buy an energy efficient best air conditioner with high BEE rating to reduce the energy consumption. It is seen that during the summers in India, an average central AC uses 3000-5000 watts of power each hour for around 9 hours a day. Depending on the outside temperature, a central AC runs 3-7 months of the year as per the climate of the region.

By following some easy steps, you can increase the efficacy of your AC with reducing the power consumption as well.
A ceiling fan works great
Be economical while running your AC
Maintain your ACs
Avoid the heat generators in the day time
Prevent your room from sun light
Regular service of your AC
Perfect lighting is also important
Keep your computer shutdown
Carefully reduce the other heat gainers
Use of inverter AC, Energy star rating AC, Copper Ac instead of Aluminium Ac, Installation of an attic fan to pull the cool air into your room
There are some factors that can influence the electricity/power load:
Outdoor temperature
Indoor air temperature
Thermal insulation of the room
Temperature setting of air conditioner system

There are few important factors that you should look for when buying an energy efficient air conditioner to save your electricity bill and keep your home cool. These are discussed below in detail:

  1. Energy Efficiency Rating (BEE Rating)
    Today, the bee rating is provided to all kinds of appliances so as to know its power consumption rate. These ratings are given out of five and provide basic information of how energy efficient the appliance is. Further, these are in correspondence to the bureau energy efficiency of India. The higher the rating the lower is the energy consumption and hence the better are the savings. The best energy efficient air conditioners are the one with the five star rating.
  2. EER and SEER; understanding efficacy ratio
    Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) determines the functional competence in the cooling effect of the AC at a fixed outdoor degree of 95. Higher the ratio higher would be its efficiency during the peak hour in a day. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) on the other hand is used to measure the competency on the basis of seasons where there is maximum usage.

With these energy saving tips, stay cool and save money:
Keep the AC Lower at Night
Keep your filters clean
Maintain ducts and vents
Check for household leaks
Reduce heat sources
Use fans strategically
Set a realistic temperature

An Air conditioner in India works to cool air by 15 degrees at a time. It is ideal to maintain the room temperature at 24-26 degrees which help in two ways. It enhances the efficiency of your AC and lowers power consumption simultaneously. According to the Energy Department of India, setting your air conditioner in 26 degrees C allows you to stay cool in summer and avoid the high electricity bill. It is also recommended to run the fan if the heat exchanger is disabled. When it comes to energy efficient air conditioners, different products work best for different people. You should consider the space and your personal habits when deciding on a type of system. Be sure to contact professional installers who can offer efficient products. Then, choose an ENERGY STAR certified model. With high EER and SEER levels, you can count on it to provide you with inexpensive cooling season after season. These are the ways in how to invest in an energy efficient air conditioner. In the end, it is all about comfort rather than the budget and the style. If it is comfortable then you do not have to worry about any new ACs on the market no matter what the deal is. ACs is definitely harmful to the environment, but with new technology and innovation, we can always minimize the risk and still enjoy sitting in a cool room. When we come back home after a hot day sitting down in a cool room with an AC is one of the best feelings ever. Eventually a smart decision in buying smart AC leads you free from lavish.

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