Will the Chief Minister solve the problems of the Samal displaced people?

Bhubaneswar (NewsTime Pro):

Has the Chief Minister angered the entire displaced people? Will Union Minister Dharmendra write a letter to the Chief Minister for the displaced?

When will the Chief Minister understand the plight of the displaced?

For what purpose was the Samal Barrage project built?

Former Chief Minister Swargat Biju Patnaik inaugurated the Samal Dam project at Samal Barrage in Anugul district in the interest of the greater good. The project’s main goal was to protect floodwaters and irrigate farmland through canals, and the Samal Barrage project was built in the 19th century to collect water for the 180th project.The Samal Barrage project is under the sacrifice of the residents of Shagadipala, Languabeda, Balangi and Bijigol Patna, four villages lost their parental property for the project.The biggest question remains as to how the state government forgot the victims involved in the project. Bijupatnaik inaugurated the Samal project on 17th September 1994

Why The Samal Barrage Project Ignores Displaced People’s ?

The project was built in the larger interest of the landlords by giving the landlords a fee, but more than 30 years have passed since then, but the state government has not been able to address the plight of the displaced.

The long-running 21-year rule of transparency Opponents have questioned why the beating chief minister turned a blind eye to the plight of the displaced.

Although the project did not include the employment of 4 villagers who were completely displaced by the project ButNot Given  50 per cent of the employment as per the government rules R & R POLICY(Rehabilitation & Resettlement), the exclusion of the completely displaced families from the job was not made permanent and the arrears were not paid. 

The decision was taken at a high-level meeting In Favour Of Displaced people’s But Not Fulfilled why ?

A high-level meeting was held on November 21, 2012 to discuss the plight of the displaced Peoples during the tenure of former Pallahada MLA and former Chief Whip Ravi Narayan Pani.But In the  Meeting Fully Displaced people’s Demand Not Settled but partly Displaced people’s Demand Fulfilled How ?The decision was made to meet the demand, but suddenly everything turned upside down. From the secretary to the clerk, he asked for money.
Unable to pay, the decision was made under a red ribbon.This shows Govt 5T.

Meeting Proceeding

Angul Collector Wrote a Letter For Resolving Issue of Displaced 4 Villages Problem :


The Angul district Collector also wrote a letter For the Fulfillment Of  displaced people’s Demand, but the water resources department rejected the district Collector’s letter.

In 2010, former District Magistrate DV Swamy wrote to the Water Resources Secretary in his letter No. 1809.4.11.2010, recognizing the plight of the displaced people and the problems of the entire displaced population.Samal Barrage Project has been unfair to the problem of complete displacement.The district collector’s office said in a statement that his demands were “immediately resolved.”

Displaced Peoples Sacrificing His Land For Project But company love By Department 

Samal Barrage Project  sells water from the project to various companies for Rs 12 crore from the project for which the 4 displaced people’s  left his Parental Property but forgets about the displaced.Displaced people have either turned down the agitation for their rights or later turned their backs on only project officials to negotiate with the top officials. The state government has turned a blind eye to the displaced workers in the six villages displaced by the project, which are receiving billions of rupees a month in revenue from the project. How much is the company spending on the displaced.arrising a big question to WaterResource Department .

There are 3 villages in the Pallahada constituency of Anugul district and one village in the Talcher constituency.
The Chief Minister is doubtful that the issue of complete displacement of the Four villages affected by the Anugul District Samal Barrage project has not reached the Chief Minister’s ears. The grief of these displaced people will go away. And they will get a taste of freedom. The Chief Minister immediately intervened and demanded justice for the displaced.

If Actually 5T Work ;Why not For Displaced People’s?

The government evacuated four villages for the Samalbarage project. The Displaced people’s appealed to the government for justice. “Everyone is aware of the plight of the displaced. If the government does 5T, it is hoped that the plight of the displaced will go away.”

Displaced People’s Got Punishment for Cast voting To BJD:

You may be surprised to learn that Samal Barrage  Displaced People’s are voting to BJD, but this is a very true fact. They come and bury their promises, but after 22 years, everything has changed. The displaced people are hoping for justice.But Not Yet Got their Justice .When They Got their Demands But still hope and waiting For Government Concern.But No one will listen there Voice. ChiefMinister Eliminate the grief of the displaced people’s Demand.When the election comes, the displaced people become victims. The first thing to do is to solve the problem of the displaced, but they forget everything after the vote is over. The displaced people of Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan’s area are now waiting for justice.Samal Barrage Displacement Problems Demands also in the Knowledge Of Central minister Dharmendra Pradhan .


👉The Chief Minister should convene a meeting to address the issue of the displaced

👉If the Demand is not correct, inform the displaced Person in Writing By Concern Department👉 Make Proper Enquiry From Grass Root Level Officials Like ChiefEngineers Office Samal ,DOWR IF Their Demands are Not Genuine Don’t Give If Genuine Please Think what Govt.Will Decide

👉Investigate how the Samal Barrage project was used to recruit people, excluding the displaced.

👉How to find part-time, non-drowning displaced people by ignoring completely displaced people Of Samal Barrage Proper Investigate
👉Called Up a High-level Meeting For Resolve Samal Barrage 4 Villagers Displacement Issue .(Meeting with Irrigation Secretary and Finance Secretary In Presence Of Chief Secretary Also Called Up Displaced Members )

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