Strike CalledOff After Fulfillment Of Demands By NALCO


Demand Fulfilled By Nalco.After Fulfillment Of Demands Strike Called Off By Deceased Family and Villagers also LabourUnions. Shri Mithun Nath, Contractual workman at NALCOs Smelter Plant, who had sustained burn injury was initially treated at Aswini Hospital, Cuttack and subsequently, on the request of his family members and doctors, he was shifted by an air ambulance to Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. In spite of the best effort by specialist doctors at Delhi, he could not be saved and breathed his last on 1st August. Thereafter, his body was shifted by air and brought to Angul. During the whole process , NALCO has gone beyond the script and extended all possible help and assistance including providing the best possible treatment. CMD NALCO Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand has expressed immense grief on the demise of Shri Mithun Nath.

Subsequent to his demise, NALCO is extending all possible support to the bereaved family. Given below are the benefits being arranged for the family of the deceased contractual workman Shri Nath.

Apart from the above, NALCO is also committed to facilitate employment of his spouse Smt. Ambika Nath in one of the Contractual establishment of NALCO at Angul.Nalco has borne all the expenses towards medical treatment of Shri Nath, including travel of the patient and his relatives, as well as all the incidental expenses.

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