Delight Shoppers Declared FashionZ 19 Odisha Supermodel


Youfunky In-Store Which is an unit of Delight shoppers Private limited has formally declared FashionZ 19 Odisha Supermodel at a Press Meet in Puspak Hotel after successful completion of Fashionz 18 last year. CEO Delight Shoppers Private Limited, Er. Purabee Purnasha Mishra has inaugurated and addressed the audience and given details of the event and focussed on promoting Odisha Handloom and Handicraft to the youth as the main objective of the event to be held on KIIT auditorium on April 19th,20th ,21st 2019. FashionZ 19 Odisha Supermodel will be one of its kind with raw talent to be groomed as fashion models and Fashion designers from across the state like interior Kalahandi to capital city Bhubaneswar.
Managing Director Mr. Sudhir Kanta Panda thanked To all The participants and wish them a bright future and confirmed to continue this event every year.
Mr. John Ajay renowned Fashion Choreographer requested all aspiring models to participate in this innovative event and appreciated Youfunky team for this platform and initiative.
Mr. Ashutosh Nanda Director AATS, Event partner has promised the event a great success as it will be conducted in the most fair and proper way so that each participant will learn and take home a life time experience.
The Senior Designer of Youfunky Instore Mr. Prakash Parida has promised a surprise collection for Kids made of Odisha handloom to unveil at the Odisha Supermodel.
Ms. Sharmistha Panda an experienced Designer who uses only pure Odisha Handloom will launch youfunky instore Traditional Vogue summer collection at Odisha Supermodel .
CEO , Er. Purabee Purnasha Mishra in prescense of some participants designers and model thanked all the attendees and mentioned special thanks to Press and Media , appealed esteemed Press and media to support the event so that this social commerce event a great success. And has requested media to mention a request to all that everyone especially youth should have at least 20% of their wardrobe with Odisha Handloom garments to support the beautiful heritage of Odisha. She specially thanked the partners for their continuous support and help .

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