Tata Steel Meramandali organises training for farmers on Pisciculture


Steel Meramandali in partnership with National Federation of Fishers Cooperative Limited (FISHCOFED), Government of India, organised a training cum exposure visit for farmers on pisciculture. 71 farmers from 11 villages – Kurunti, Kuspupanga, Talbahal, Itap, Ganthigadia, Nuagaon, Kochilamada, Sibapur, Narendrapur, Sarpa and Raghunathpur participated in this two-day long programme.

The objective of this project is to train villagers engaged in fish farming in various harvesting techniques, so as to boost productivity. The project also provided them with essential knowledge and inputs, such as fish feed, fish seeds, medicines under the expert guidance of FISHCOFED.

The training included fish rearing, medication and care, pond treatment, different types of diseases and its treatment, how to test water, strategy for suitable harvesting, and more. District Fisheries Officer, Dhenkanal, Mr Pradipta Kumar Bhuyan and District Deputy Director of Fisheries, Angul, Ms. Babita Mohanty also joined the training session to guide and explain on various scheme floated by the government on pisciculture. It was coordinated by Sarbeswar Nath, CSR executive of Tata Steel Meramandali.

Following the training, the farmers were taken to pisciculture farms in Joranda in Gondia Block of Dhenkanal district. They witnessed and interacted with successful, local pisciculture entrepreneurs and experienced the farming first-hand.
Tata Steel Meramandali has been guiding the locals from 9 villages located in the periphery of its plant, with an aim to support them in becoming self-reliant.

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