KIMS is the First Hospital installing ECMO(Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation)


Kims is working on the state’s first ecmo-machine.The city-based Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) becomes the first hospital in the state to provide Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) service to patients. There are doctors and technicians to operate the ECMO Machine at KIMS Hospital.

A Ray of Hope for Advanced Heart and Lung Diseases

It is an extracorporeal technique of providing prolonged cardiac and respiratory support to persons whose heart and lungs are unable to provide an adequate amount of gas exchange to sustain life. It is the last resort for a patient when ventilator-support and drugs fail. It is very much useful in saving lives in conditions such as Hypoxemic and Hypercarbic Respiratory failure, Refractory Cardiogenic shock, Septic shock, Post Cardiac surgery, Bridge to Heart Transplant, Post Heart Transplant, Lung Contusion and Acute Pulmonary Embolism etc. It is highly technical job with team work which requires round the clock intense involvement of specialists. ECMO in KIMS is a boon to the state of Odisha.

Further, the hospital has also installed complete EP System for EP Study. Electrophysiology studies test the electrical activity of the heart to find where an arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) is coming from. These results can help the doctor to decide whether the patient needs medicine, a pacemaker, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), cardiac ablation and surgery or not. KIMS has a complete set of EP system with 2D & 3D facilities. This is second such system in whole of India. This is first such EP system with a trained cardiologist in Eastern & Central India.

There are also doctors and technicians in charge of ecmo-management. In the last few days, Ecmo has also been used in the treatment of opposition leader Pradeep Naik at the AIIMS. Ecosystems are also being relocated from Kims to other locations as needed. It will have 7 to 8 ecmo machines trained doctors. This machine is needed in cases of severe Covid infection. It acts as an artificial heart and lung for the infected outside the body to deliver oxygen to the blood.

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