5T Initiatives – E-Permission Available for Marriage, Funeral and Emergency Travel Passes


The Anugul district administration has launched an e-permit module in the district by taking another step towards digitization of government services. Which will provide digital access to the public for weddings, weddings, funerals and emergency activities. Under the 5T Initiative, the Angul District Administration today launched the module as part of www.angulcms.com

The plan is to keep the social distance during the Corona epidemic, not to crowd too much, and to avoid crowds in government offices. Online, people can now apply for weddings, weddings, funerals and emergency services. Permission can be obtained through this website without going to the relevant government office for emergency travel permission. It is designed so that all the necessary information can be provided through the website.

The marriage certificate can only be issued by uploading the certificate and photo of the bride and groom and checking the age. In addition, the module is designed in accordance with the Covid-16 guidelines issued by the state government. If necessary, the module will be revised accordingly. Officers will review the information provided by the applicant and approve or reject it accordingly. Approvals will also be available on the website so that applicants can download them in PDF format using their mobile number and unique ID. The same procedure applies to funeral services and to the movement of people in the district. This will be very helpful in strengthening the coating cuts in the district. Informing about the new module, Collector Siddhartha Shankar Swain said it was an extension of the district’s 5T initiative. In addition, we can save our resources and time very well. It will also reduce congestion at government offices and police stations, which will help prevent the spread of COVID infections.

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