Tata Steel BSL reiterates its commitment to Sustainability on World Environment Day 2021


For the first time virtual plantation organised for dignitaries
 760 saplings planted
 Month long celebrations for Sustainability Month launched

Tata Steel BSL, celebrated World Environment Day at its plant located ta Narendrapur, in Dhenkanal today. Taking forward the theme of this year’s celebration- ‘Ecosystem Restoration, for the first time, in view of the COVID pandemic, the company has organised virtual plantation for the dignitaries who joined the celebrations from different locations.
Dr A K Swar, Chief Environment Engineer, Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB), Dr Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, Chief Environment Engineer, OSPCB, Er R N Prusty, Senior Environment Engineer-L1, SPCB, Dr Anup Mallick, Regional Officer, Angul, OSPCB, had joined with Mr Manikanta Naik, Chief Corporate Services, Tata Steel BSL, Mr Saroj Banerjee, Chief, Environment and other company officials in a virtual meeting. Saplings were planted in the plant premises in name of the dignitaries after their consent and was shown live to the guests during the meeting. The dignitaries appreciated this novel method of plantation.
Total 700 saplings were planted by the employees of the company inside the plant premises on the occasion. Similarly with support from our CSR team, 60 saplings were planted in the village Khaliberana near our plant by the villagers. The celebrations would continue throughout the month of June which is observed as Sustainability Month by Tata Steel BSL every year. During this month, sustainability campaign through various programmes like quiz, webinar and plantation will be organised.

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