
Giving, the key to success, fulfillment, prosperity and a life of prosperity. ..”We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” …“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Giving is not just about making a donation.

Art of Giving is all about creating an unconditional and sustainable abundance of love, peace and happiness and contentment for others through gestures of kindness and generosity. It was founded by Shri Achyuta Samanta on 17 May 2013. The key to peace and happiness lies in unlocking the Art of Giving in each individual. It is a not-for-profit initiative for spreading, supporting and promoting the practice of the art of giving around the world.

‘Art of Giving’ has won second position in the 2021 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship by Talloires Network and McJannet Foundation, USA as an exceptional community work and civic engagement initiative by KIIT & KISS under the leadership of Prof. Achyuta Samanta.

The award in second position in the world includes a financial support of $5,000 USD to bolster program activities. Out of nomination from 15 countries, Art of Giving is placed in the second position among the 10 selected finalists from 8 countries. Rhodes University, South Africa and University of Manchester, UK have won the first and third positions respectively.

Art of Giving, a philosophy to spread peace and happiness in the society based on the foundation of compassion and humanitariansm was founded by Prof. Achyuta Samanta in 2013. Since then, it has become an active movement with dynamic campaigns throughout the year and observation of International Day of Art of Giving on 17 May across the globe.

Prof. Achyuta Samanta expressed his happiness on being conferred with this award as it recognises the community work accomplished under the aegis of Art of Giving.

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