Tata Steel BSL supplies Liquid Medical Oxygen for treatment Of COVID-19 patients


56 tons of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO)  supplied for various hospitals in Odisha 

• 185 tons of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) supplied to the Government of Telangana• There is also plan to supply LMO to other states in need

Tata Steel BSL plant in Dhenkanal district has come forward with oxygen supply.
The situation in the country is so dire that it is becoming increasingly difficult to stop it. Both the state and central governments are taking various steps to address this. At the same time, there is a severe shortage of oxygen for patients. The central government has directed to increase the production of oxygen from all the oxygen plants in the country as soon as possible. Efforts are being made by every department in the country to address the lack of oxygen

Government of India has set up a committee which reviews the production, consumption and stocks available at all the steel plant in the country. They have allocated distribution of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) from each steel plant to various states. Responding to the national urgency, Tata Steel BSL, as part of our group’s commitment to the cause, has stepped in to supply LMO from our plant situated at Narendrapur in Dhenkanal district, to required places. We have already supplied 56 tons of LMO for various hospitals in Odisha through two Angul based agencies by April 24, 2021. Similarly 185 tons of LMO have been sent to the Government of Telangana by April 24, 2021. Out of the 10 tankers used to sent LMO to Telangana, 7 were airlifted by Indian Air Force to Bhubaneswar airport from where our own vehicles escorted the tankers to the plant. Local police administration is escorting the tankers on the high way on their retrun journey. We will be supplying 40 tons of LMO to Telangana daily. Tata Steel BSL is proud to be part of this national fight against COVID-19 pandemic and stands committed to continue such support to the community and the nation. 

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