487 illegal apartments in the capital, 200 buildings ordered

Bhubaneswar(NewsTimePro): The BDA and BMC have approved the plans for the construction of only 143 apartments and multi-storey buildings in the capital, while Urban Development Minister Pratap Jena told the state assembly .In Assembly Replying to a question from MLA Tara Prasad Bahinipati on how many apartments have been declared illegal in the capital, Minister Jena said that action has been taken by declaring four apartments in the capital illegal. All apartments have been ordered to be demolished after 200 cases were filed in court.Since then, 57 cases have been dropped. That means the apartment has been ordered not to be demolished. The pending cases in 42 apartments are pending, while the minister has not commented on 136 apartment cases.

In that Cases Urban Development Department did not say what their condition was. Asked how electricity and water were connected to the illegal apartments, the minister said the data was being collected.Neither BMC nor BDA has yet completely demolished any of the illegally declared apartments. Even though many apartments in the capital were being built without the approval of the BDA and BMC, the enforcement team could not take any action. As a result, the number of illegal apartments and multi-storey buildings in the capital is increasing day by day.On the other hand, despite the fact that there are so many illegal buildings in the capital, neither the BDA nor the BMC has taken any action, an official of the Urban Development Department said, adding that the status quo was given to the BDA law enforcement branch when the case was in place. Now a lot of data is up to date. Many have challenged the eviction order and suspended it; So it could not be eradicated

In Angul Also Without Tamda Approval Building Construction going on but Angul District administration no such action taken against That.When urban Development Department Focus On it wait that time.

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