Media Interaction In NTPC Kaniha


NTPC One Of The Maharatna Among Seven Maharatnas Of the country .Media Interaction was organised at NTPC Talcher Kaniha today. Shri Santosh James,Chief General Manager ,Talcher Kaniha addressed the media gathering .

Shri James said that “ NTPC is one of Maharatna among seven Maharatnas of the country and it is the only Maharatna in power sector . At present NTPC is generating power from mainly from coal based power stations but in future it plans to increase its renewable power base from its present installed capacity of 53166 MW. The company plans to become 130 GW company by 2032 with Solar Power contributing 30 GW(23%).

He shared at present; NTPC Total renewable power installed capacity is 920 MW. (Solar -870 MW & Wind -50 MW). Talcher Kaniha has a 60 kwp commissioned rooftop solar power and plans to add more 300  kwp to promote renewable power.

 “Talcher Super Thermal Power Station (TSTPS), Kaniha has generated 17797.1771 MU with PLF (Plant load factor) of 78.97% from April 1,2017 to February 8,2019. Further, it has generated solar power of 11.528 MU during this period. He added that NTPC Kaniha generation PLF is more than the average national PLF. NTPC Kaniha is the second largest power station among NTPC Power Stations” said Shri James.

“The station is getting good grid schedule and has been top of order for power supply among most of beneficiaries and the cost of power is very cheap compared to other power stations, Shri James”

Speaking on CSR, he shared that Talcher Kaniha has organised various activities during the financial year. The station has been focusing on five CSR areas i.e Education, Health, Drinking Water, Skill Development and Infrastructure. He shared the highlights of CSR undertaken by the station in recent times.

 Further, he shared some of the challenges of power station during the Press Meet, the challenges were ensuring adequate coal supply to enable full generation & Ash Utilisation. On supply of coal side, he said NTPC was getting less quantity during monsoon time i.e June –August .Regular discussion are held with MCL authorities for ensuring adequate coal supply. Sufficient stock is built to take care of the lean period.

Secondly for ash utilisation , the station is making number of efforts to improve its ash utilisation i.e  enhancing dry ash collection from it all units for which package has been awarded , the station is supplying fly ash to NHAI authorities  and plans to start mine void filling by July 2019. In view of new stringent environment norms, various modifications is done in its units to meet the requirement of environment norms.

 “Under Environment Management Initiatives, the power station has completed plantation of 50000 saplingsAsh Utilisation of the power station till Feb 18 is 55%.Shri Ramesh Sinha GM(Oprn) ,Shri B Maharana,GM(Maintenance) ,Shri K das ,GM(FM) ,Shri S K Rath ,AGM(Finance) and Shri K S Sarma ,AGM(HR) and other officials were present during the media interaction

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